Cluny Lace doily and runners of quality natural fibre 100% Cotton with hand embroidered accent. White colour only   Sale : 10″ Round -$6.95 /        14″ Round -$11.95

Reticella Lace doily 100% Linen Handmade with needle and thread with hand embroidered accents.       Sale:  10″Round -$12.50 / 12″Round -$14.95

Morning Glory doily is hand appliqué with Cross Stitched accents. Available in round doilies or runners. Ecru or White 10″ Round- $ 2.95 / 14″ Round -$ 4.95

Morning Glory doily is hand appliqué with Cross Stitched accents. Available in round doilies or runners. Ecru or White 10″ Round -$ 2.95 / 14″ Round -$ 4.95

100% Linen Cutwork embroidered doily- Lotus in the Pond. A wide range of sizes enable choosing any DIY project easier. Please check Cutwork Doilies and Runners for details. 10″Round- $7.95 / 14″Round- $14.95
Very fine handmade Vintage doilies for creative craft projects or intimate home decorations or setting an elegant hostess event, all at very affordable prices. Many styles to choose from, of various shapes and sizes to match. At Lace And Linens find the quantities you want and vintage but not used merchandises, no wear and tear and no stain to worry.

Battenburg Lace with hand embroidered accents. A wide range of sizes enable choosing any DIY project easier. Please check Battenburg Lace Doilies and Runners for complete details. 10″ Round -$ 7.95 / 12″ Round -$ 8.95 / 14″ Round -$ 9.50
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