Crystal Lace is an unusual creation of the beloved cotton battenburg lace coupled with a sheer and easy care polyester fabric. It is All in the Details. The “extra” scribbling style sewing on the polyester strip adds aesthetic interest to the design. It even has a matching runner to match!
Available in select sizes and Ivory Ecru or White colours. Limited quantity. First Come, First Serve while inventory lasts.
- Oblong sizes : White : 70″x90″ / 70″x108″ / 70″x126″
- Oblong sizes : Cream/Ecru : 50″x70″ / 70″x90″ / 70″x108″ / 70″x126″ Only 70″x104″ available.
- Cotton Battenburg Lace trim and insertion
- Polyester easy care insertion with embroidery reinforced.
- All measurements are approximate with a variance of 5-10% and more deviance.
- Precise measurements can be available upon request.
- NO dryer.
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