Showing 19–27 of 40 results

Elegant & Easy DIY Curtains: Square Tea Cloth White Tuscany Lace

Small square table toppers can be an easy & intimate treatment for a window. Lace embellishment will cast interesting patterned

Flowers of Province in Canada Crochet Trim Embroider Lavender Bag

Canada as a country is rich in diversity and variety. Its land stretches from temperate climate of Pacific British Columbia

Hand Crochet Lace Shoulder Bag & Purse

This unique crochet shoulder bag is well suited for demeanor, comfort, and convenience. Ideally fashionable for all seasons; from the

Handmade Tuscany Lace Heirloom Netting DIY Wedding Vintage Ecru

Tuscany Filet Lace (also known as Modano) is believed to be the oldest form of embroidery, originated from the net-making